Tuesday, December 20, 2005

That comment is vintage Mike. And, in keeping with his manner, he says nothing more as he treads water, floats back upon the water, climbs up the ladder and repeatedly dives into the translucent blue; his joy distinguished from its opposite only by the slight upturn of his mouth, something I’ve seen him subtlety fight to control, as if the pleasure he feels from a good meal, a glass of Cabernet, or recounting the success of his real estate investing methodology might overwhelm him, make him preen too much, and thus make him slip from his vigilant self-control.

I’ve known Mike since college days at UCSB. After initial career success, he struggled. I hired him to work with me at E.F. Hutton, where he excelled, but the purchase of the company by Shearson put us all on the street, and Mike again struggled for years before beginning a pipe construction company in New Port Beach, CA. Now, ten years later, he’s on easy street. Through the sine waves of life, the ups and downs, Mike has always been the same: even, steady, self-controlled and confident. It just took awhile for the spheres to finally catch up. (I’m still waiting.)

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