Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Back to Split (10/14)

One final gaze at the looming fortress beside us, and we shove off early in the morning, for we have a long trip ahead – Split is nine hours away. It is a slow and pleasant experience. Members of the Company quickly ease into their respective modes of napping, reading, gazing, eating and drinking. There was a sense that the sailing voyage was ending, and it seems that each of us wanted the space and time to take it all in, and measure what it meant.


Island after island eases by; each prominently displays olive groves, or vineyards, or clusters of red-tiled, stone homes for our eager eyes. The sun was modest, the wind mostly gentle.

Sooner than expected, Split comes into view. As we turn into the harbor, an 80-ton ferry launches from its mooring dangerously close to us. All eyes became riveted upon Francesco at the helm, silently imploring him to take evasive measures now! For a heart beat or two, Francesco acts as if he might not change our direction, as if our right of way would protect us from Davey’s Locker. I watch him, we all watched him, and hold our breath. With a shrug and sigh, he spins the wheel nonchalantly. The ferry horn is blaring. We wave nervously. Close call.

Tonight would be our last on Hera.

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