Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Boris's grandfather was named Ante Sharac. My mother's father, Ante's brother was named Jack (Ivan) and a third brother was named Josef. Josef was brilliant and sent to Prague to study chemistry. "This was like someone in Africa being sent to Harvard 100 years ago", Boris explained. Ante produced Vanya, Boris's mother, who became a dentist and visited my mother and father when they were in Germany around the time I was born; subsequently, my parents visited Vanya and her parents in Sibinek, where I now type this missive.

Ante's brother, Jack, my Grandfather, produced Doris, my Mother. The chemist, Josef, produced Ruza, also a PhD Chemist, who I later will meet. These three brothers owned a house in Sibenik, and it was the recent selling of this property that brought a cast of characters together after nearly 50 years, as the inheritors -- children of Ante, Jack and Josef – deal with the paperwork and funds from the sale.

Photo of Josef Sharac, circa 1930.

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